So please, take anything you have for me and give it to my best friend in the whole world, The Brain. He never gives up, but I know it must be very hard. But he gets no reward - he's only greeted with defeat. He is honest and very hardworking, and only wants what's best for the world. This year, Santa, I ask for nothing, but I wish to tell you about my dear friend, The Brain. Brain: What do you want to be Pinky? Pinky: A dentist!īrain: "Dear Santa, Hello, haha, narf.
Pink e cerebro tv#
Pinky & the Fog/Where No Mouse Has Gone Before/Cheese Roll Call Brainania TV or Not TV Napoleon Brainaparte A Pinky and the Brain Christmas Pinky: You know, Brain, I've been thinking I don't want to be an elf anymore. Brain: Apparently, your IQ didn't grow along with your shoe size, Pinky. Pinky: DID YOU EVER ASK WHAT I DID TODAY?! Tokyo Grows/That Smarts/Brainstem Pinky: Narf! Brain, Let us go and see Gollyzilla! We can watch excitedly as he crushes buildings and then flee in terror! Brain: Snap out of it, Pinky! Pinky: Oh. Pinky: We're gonna make it! We're gonna make it, right Brain!? BRAIN? Brain: POIT! Of Mouse and Man Brain: The dark side that has created grotesque war machines, pollution-spilling factories and now, a hideous thing, that is spreading across the world, like a horrible plague: Voicemail. Season 1 Das Mouse Pinky: Oh, look, Brain, it's so close, we'll be there before you can say "Poit!" Brain: We'll reach Mars before I yell "Poit!" Pinky. 4.6 A Legendary Tail/Project B.R.A.I.N.4.5 The Pinky and the Brain Reunion Special.4.4 To Russia with Lab Mice/Hickory Dickory Bonk.4.3 Brainwashed: Part 3 - Wash Harder.4.2 Brainwashed: Part 2 - I Am Not a Hat.4.1 Brainwashed: Part 1 - Brain, Brain, Go Away.3.33 The Pinky P.O.V./The Really Great Dictator/Brain Food.3.32 Whatever Happened to Baby Brain/Just Say Narf.3.30 You'll Never Eat Food Pellets in This Town Again!.3.29 Pinky's Turn/Your Friend: Global Domination.3.28 The Family That Poits Together, Narfs Together.3.27 Brain's Night Off/Beach Blanket Brain.3.25 The Megalomaniacal Adventures of Brainie the Poo/The Melancholy Brain.3.23 Pinky at the Bat/Schpiel-borg 2000.3.22 The Tailor and the Mice/Bah, Wilderness.3.21 Operation: Sea Lion/You Said a Mouseful.3.13 Pinky and the Brainmaker/Calvin Brain.3.9 A Meticulous Analysis of History/Funny, You Don't Look Rhennish.3.6 All You Need Is Narf/Pinky's Plan.3.3 Pinky & the Brain.and Larry/Where the Deer and the Mousealopes Play.2.7 A Little Off the Top/Megalomaniacs Anonymous.1.12 Ambulatory Abe/Mouse of La Mancha.1.4 Pinky & the Fog/Where No Mouse Has Gone Before/Cheese Roll Call.1.3 Tokyo Grows/That Smarts/Brainstem.Whatever Happened to Baby Brain / Just Say Narfĥ9. You'll Never Eat Food Pellets in This Town Again!ĥ8. Pinky's Turn / Your Friend: Global Dominationĥ6. The Family That Poits Together, Narfs Togetherĥ5. Brain's Night Off / Beach Blanket Brainĥ4. The Megalomaniacal Adventures of Brainie the Poo / The Melancholy Brainĥ3. The Tailor and the Mice / Bah, Wildernessĥ1. Operation: Sea Lion / You Said a MousefulĤ8. Pinky and the Brainmaker / Calvin BrainĤ7. A Meticulous Analysis of History / Funny, You Don't Look Rhennishģ9. Pinky & the Brain.and Larry / Where the Deer and the Mousealopes Playģ5. Foi o último esforço colaborativo de Spielberg com a Warner Bros. Animation, e foi ao ar de 1998 a 1999 no Kids 'WB, em 13 episódios.

O show foi produzido executivo por Steven Spielberg e a série foi produzida pela Amblin Entertainment em associação com a Warner Bros. Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain (Pinky, Felícia e o Cérebro no Brasil) é a reformulação da série de televisão de animação americana Pinky e o Cérebro (ela própria é um spin-off de Animaniacs ), com os personagens-título sendo acompanhados por Felícia de Tiny Toon Adventures. O criador Tom Ruegger disse que os personagens são inspirados em dois produtores de Tiny Toon Adventures, Eddie Fitzgerald e Tom Minton.

e em PT: O mesmo de todas as noites Pinky. e Cérebro responde (em BR): "A mesma coisa que fazemos todas as noites, Pinky. O desenho é ambientado no universo dos Looney Tunes.Ĭada episódio é caracterizado (tanto no início quanto no final) pela famosa tirada onde Pinky pergunta: "Cérebro, o que você quer fazer esta noite?", e em Portugal: Ei Brain, o que vamos fazer esta noite. Originalmente incluídos em segmentos de Animaniacs antes de ganhar série própria, são dois ratos brancos típicos de laboratório que utilizam os Laboratórios Acme como base para seus planos mirabolantes para dominar o mundo (sob razão nunca revelada).